A) Poglavlja u knjizi
- Novak, M.; Marđetko, N.; Trontel, A.; Pavlečić, M.; Petravić Tominac, V.; Šantek B. Biorafinerijski pristup u iskorištavanju izluženih rezanaca šećerne repe za proizvodnju visokovrijednih kemikalija i biogoriva. U: Neke mogućnosti iskorištenja nusproizvoda prehrambene industrije – knjiga 5. Šubarić D., Jašić M., Jokić S. (ur.) Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Osijek, 2024, str. 261-283. ISBN: 978-953-7005-97-9
B) Znanstveni radovi
- Novak, M.; Marđetko, N.; Trontel, A.; Pavlečić, M.; Kelemen, Z.; Perković, L.; Petravić Tominac, V.; Šantek, B. Development of an integrated bioprocess system for bioethanol and arabitol production from sugar beet cossettes. Food Technol. Biotechnol., 2024, 62 (1) 89-101. https://doi.org/10.17113/ftb.; Q3; IF=2.30
- Grubišić, M.; Peremin, I.; Djedović, E.; Šantek, B.; Ivančić Šantek, M. Cultivation of a novel strain of Chlorella vulgaris S2 under phototrophic, mixotrophic, and heterotrophic conditions, and effects on biomass growth and composition. Fermentation, 2024, 10, 270. https://doi.org/10.3390/fermentation10060270; Q2; IF= 3.30
- Pavlečić, M.; Novak, M.; Trontel, A.; Marđetko, N.; Petravić Tominac, V.; Dobrinčić, A.; Kralj, M.; Šantek, B. The production of water kefir drink with the addition of dried figs in the horizontal rotating tubular bioreactor. Foods, 2024, 13, 2834.
https://doi.org/10.3390/foods13172834; Q1; IF=4.70
- Klarić, E.; Ivančić Šantek, M.; Šantek, B.; Beluhan, S. Physicocehmical and microstructural characterization of bacterial nanocellulose obtained by Kombucha watermelon rind fermentation, Proceedings of natural resources, green technology and sustainable development, pp. 60-66.; 03-05. 12. 2024, Zagreb, Croatia
C) Sudjelovanje na znanstvenim skupovima
a) Pozvana predavanja
- Nenad Marđetko, N.; Novak, M.; Trontel, A.; Pavlečić, M.; Petravić Tominac, V.; Šantek; B. Biorefinery approach for use of sugar beet cossettes for production of high added values chemicals and biofuels, 4th International Scientific and Professional Conference; Food Industry By-Products; 06-07.06. 2024.; Osijek, Book of abstracts, 2024, pp. 13
b) Predavanja
- Klarić, E.; Ivančić Šantek, M.; Šantek, B.; Beluhan, S. Physicochemical and microstructural characterization of bacterial nanocellulose obtained by Kombucha watermelon rind fermentation, Natural Resources, Green Technology, and Sustainable Development/5-GREEN 2024, 03.-05.12. 2024, Zagreb, Book of abstracs, 2024, CO5
c) Posteri
- Vojvodić Cebin, A.; Zrnić, K.; Budisavljević, M.; Šeremet, D.; Mandura Jarić, A.; Šantek, B.; Komes, D. The potential of common reed (Phragmites australis L.) as a non-dietary source of polyphenols, 4th International Scientific and Professional Conference; Food Industry By-Products; 06-07.06. 2024.; Osijek, Book of abstracts, 2024, pp. 63
- Vojvodić Cebin, A.; Šeremet, D.; Mandura Jarić, A.; Normand-Dubeau, C.; Solenn, E.; Komes, D. Valorization potential of Italian ryegrass and reed canary grass based on proximate carbohydrate and phenolics composition, 20th International Conference Ružička days – Today Science Tommorow Industry, 18-20. 09. 2024, Vukovar, Book of abstracts, 2024, pp. 80